Robert Kiyosaki, Dave Ramsey, Tony Robbins, David Goggins, Grant Cardone are influential modern leaders in todays society . Each one of these leaders have a strong suit, a product or service they prefer to offer or sale.
We as individuals choose our leaders, our mentors, our coaches. We all fall in line to be just as great.
But there is one secret ingredient, a formula that makes the recipe even better .
The answer is.... follow all of them! Yes, take all their styles of leadership and put it into a blender, they all work. It's possible to improve yourself and enhance our overall being. Think about it, Health Fitness determination ( David Goggins), Financial planning ( Dave Ramsey) Relationships (Tony Robins) Financial Investments
(Robert Kiyosaki) Cars and Real Estate (Grant Cardone) . All of them have one thing in common . They started from the bottom, worked for it !!! (Mindset)
"I think the most important thing about coaching is that you have to have a sense of confidence about what you're doing. You have to be a salesman, and you have to get your players, particularly your leaders, to believe in what you're trying to accomplish on the basketball floor."
Coach Phil Jackson
Players - Kobe/ Jordan